Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Plant Power

Blog 24 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

After having writer’s block a couple of days ago I’m going to try writing about food again.

Food, it fuels the body. Without it survival is impossible. In the last few years my food habits have shifted. Due to being Muslim I have never eaten meat from a pig. In general I have never been a massive meat eater. This might sound silly but I don’t like chewing. I am certain I have weakened teeth from having a brace in my teens. Anyway, when I did eat meat I would tend to go for chicken. I found it less greasy. As an adult I have always been keen on fish. I’m quite the health addict and can’t ignore the benefits that fishy oils claim to have.

My partner is vegan and has been for many years. Before it got trendy. Since being together not once have I considered joining him despite him being the perfect advert. For those who have watched The Game Changers on Netflix you will know that veganism is meant to have a whole host of health benefits. My partner displays them all. For some reason it isn’t enough to convince me.

I can’t see myself eating meat again as my mind won’t disconnect from where it comes from. For now I am able to justify eating fish. I don’t know when it officially happened but I identify as being pescatarian. I eat seafood in what otherwise is a vegetarian diet.

Saying this I mainly eat a plant based diet as it is easier to eat the same lunch and dinner as my partner. Veganism is rapidly expanding and it is nice to try new foods. People often used to say what do vegans eat? The answer is that they eat practically everything only in vegan form. Vegan lasagne, vegan kebab and vegan chilli are some of our favourite dishes. A couple of weeks ago we created our own vegan afternoon tea complete with sweet scones with a choice of jam and cream, a variety of sandwiches and a selection of desserts. It was yummy.

I urge everyone to broaden their taste buds and give plant based food a go. Try something new, something different, something ethical. By all means still eat what you enjoy. I have no intention of committing to a vegan diet so I don’t expect anyone else to.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

1 comment:

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