Friday, 15 May 2020

Who Are You?

Blog 20 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

I am female, a girl, a woman. A daughter, a sister, an advocate. A girlfriend, a partner, a lover. A friend, a listening ear, a confidante. A volunteer, a unit helper, an ambassador. An expert by experience, a voice, a colleague. A Guide Dog owner, a mother, a playmate. A reader, a critique, a endorser. A blogger, a diarist, a sharer. An athlete, a sprinter, a chaser. A learner, a graduate, an achiever. A face booker, a tweeter, a stranger. A disabled person, a visually impaired person, a fighter. A dreamer, a doer, a try hard. A pescatarian, a believer, a Muslim. I am Selina, a human, a somebody.

We are all so many things. So many different personas. Something to someone. Don’t ever think you are a nobody.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

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