Thursday, 14 May 2020

Working From Home

Blog 19 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

I’m writing this post late in the day, my brain is somewhat fried. However, I have committed to writing these 26 blog posts over 26 days and I am not one who likes to quit easily. I am running on fumes after working yesterday and today. I’m also working tomorrow which is super rare for me to work 3 days in a row. Anyone who manages to work fulltime I commend you. I enjoy working but it always mentally drains me. The work I do is intense, both with Choice Support and Voiceability. Yet I know the work I do as an Expert by Experience is highly important. It literally impacts on vulnerable people’s lives. I have the chance to help make a positive difference.

Since the pandemic lots of people are now working from home. As a visually impaired person I much prefer it. I no longer have to stress about getting to work on time. I don’t have to worry about bus or train delays or panic about traffic jams. I get to work in a familiar environment rather than visiting varying venues that I might get used to but then always be in a different room. I don’t have to depend on people to help me find the toilet or a suitable spending area for my Guide Dog. I have the freedom to move around at break and lunchtimes. I have access to all of my assistive technology. I am more independent, more in control.

There are some negatives around homeworking like dodgy internet connections. I think it makes it harder to build a rapport with colleagues too as you are heavily focused on the job in hand as opposed to having small talk. Although we do chat informally for short periods. Conference calls amuse me as now everyone struggles to read the cues for a good time to talk and people end up interrupting each other. A colleague said yesterday that she is learning to recognise people by voice, I told her ‘welcome to my world’!

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

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