Thursday, 21 May 2020

The Finish Line

Blog 26 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

Hooray this is my final post for the 2.6 Challenge. The writing marathon has come to an end. It has been a good experience overall. I have managed to write about a lot of subjects that I have been meaning to for a long time. It has been interesting how on some days I planned to write about one topic but then the blog has evolved into something else. There were a few late nights that displeased me. However, it has proved to me that if I really want to blog about something I am able to make the time.

I am not sure how many people have actually read my posts. Though the one great thing about written text is that it is there to access at any point. I hope people have found the content varied and interesting. I mainly write for myself and if someone finds a post useful or entertaining it is a bonus. On some days I wasn’t sure what to write about, on others I found it hard to find the right words. Having a daily deadline meant I couldn’t keep redrafting and posts weren’t always as polished as I would have liked. Nevertheless, I made a commitment and stuck to it. I’m pretty proud of that. It has been some years since my blog was filled with so much content. Funnily there are still posts I wish to write.

According to my fundraising page I have raised £72.86 to date. I know when split 5 ways that isn’t much per charity. However, I have tried to do my bit. I’m super grateful to everyone who has supported this challenge and donated. If you are stumbling across this post a few weeks or few months on, there might still be time to donate as fundraising pages stay open for a while afterwards. Every donation I receive makes me smile and means a lot to my chosen charities.

I took part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog posts or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

I See

Blog 25 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

Even though I can’t see, I can see. I can see the past so vividly. It astonishes me how clearly I can recollect the past. I don’t just recall the basics like colours, I know details. For example, I can remember certain images and patterns on my clothes. I can picture characters from cartoons, such as Gus from Recess and Tommy from the Rugrats. I can see the shape of Gus’s glasses and how his trousers are too short thus exposing his socks. My mind’s eye can view Tommy’s bald head, the blue of his t-shirt and how he stands with bowed legs. As a child I never consciously stored these images, yet they are there for me to access on demand.

In the present I can see. I imagine my surroundings constantly. When I go for a walk and a car passes me by I give it a make and a colour. When I use a controlled crossing I picture the capital letters of ‘wait’ highlight itself after I have pressed the button. At home in my kitchen I envisage my red appliances; kettle, microwave and toaster. I still look at myself in the mirror. I visualise my reflection, how my hair falls, how my facial features look.

In my dreams I can see. Rarely am I blind and if I am I can still watch the dream play out in pictures. Every night my brain constructs lavish landscapes and intricate scenes. I have the ability to freely access my dream world. I wander around oblivious to my visual impairment.

In reality I cannot see. Wave your hand in front of my face and I will just feel the breeze it creates. Exit a room without a word and I will believe you are still sharing my space. Many people assume that the blind live in darkness. I can confirm that we live in pictures.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Plant Power

Blog 24 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

After having writer’s block a couple of days ago I’m going to try writing about food again.

Food, it fuels the body. Without it survival is impossible. In the last few years my food habits have shifted. Due to being Muslim I have never eaten meat from a pig. In general I have never been a massive meat eater. This might sound silly but I don’t like chewing. I am certain I have weakened teeth from having a brace in my teens. Anyway, when I did eat meat I would tend to go for chicken. I found it less greasy. As an adult I have always been keen on fish. I’m quite the health addict and can’t ignore the benefits that fishy oils claim to have.

My partner is vegan and has been for many years. Before it got trendy. Since being together not once have I considered joining him despite him being the perfect advert. For those who have watched The Game Changers on Netflix you will know that veganism is meant to have a whole host of health benefits. My partner displays them all. For some reason it isn’t enough to convince me.

I can’t see myself eating meat again as my mind won’t disconnect from where it comes from. For now I am able to justify eating fish. I don’t know when it officially happened but I identify as being pescatarian. I eat seafood in what otherwise is a vegetarian diet.

Saying this I mainly eat a plant based diet as it is easier to eat the same lunch and dinner as my partner. Veganism is rapidly expanding and it is nice to try new foods. People often used to say what do vegans eat? The answer is that they eat practically everything only in vegan form. Vegan lasagne, vegan kebab and vegan chilli are some of our favourite dishes. A couple of weeks ago we created our own vegan afternoon tea complete with sweet scones with a choice of jam and cream, a variety of sandwiches and a selection of desserts. It was yummy.

I urge everyone to broaden their taste buds and give plant based food a go. Try something new, something different, something ethical. By all means still eat what you enjoy. I have no intention of committing to a vegan diet so I don’t expect anyone else to.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Monday, 18 May 2020

Sharing the Struggles

Blog 23 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

I have been visually impaired for as long as I can remember. It has been 13 years since I had useful vision. Useful vision being the ability to see shapes, colours and print with the aid of a CCTV magnifier. It has been even longer since I could read print unaided, play sports such as netball and tennis, function like a fully sighted person. Today marks the beginning of mental health week. Generally I don’t mind being blind. I have adapted and lead a fulfilling life. However, losing my vision throughout my childhood was hard. I didn’t just lose my sight, I lost my confidence, friendships and identity. If I still had good partial vision I wouldn’t be the same person I am today. My sight loss has caused me to become a version of myself that I never planned on being.

Do I miss having sight? In all honesty I do every single day. There is always something I want a quick glimpse of from knowing what a tinned can is in the cupboard to watching the boys playing tug. I wish I knew what my partner looked like, I wish I could see all of those silly memes and gifs. I wish every second of everyday wasn’t so difficult. The level of concentration needed to pour a cup of tea or the extra effort needed to find something on a table can be draining. People don’t see the little struggles because I have learnt to get on with life, present myself as capable and confident. I believe human nature forces us to hide our weaknesses. Yet we shouldn’t be afraid to share our imperfections. Whilst I portray positivity within my blog posts, I hope people recognise and appreciate that I don’t shy away from writing about the difficulties of sight loss too.

For years I convinced myself that being blind wasn’t forever. There would be a cure. I would regain vision again. I lived in denial. I’m not sure exactly when it happened, when I started to accept my blindness. It was probably a combination of factors from taking athletics seriously where my sight loss was irrelevant to mixing with other visually impaired people. Other people who had experienced sight loss, visually impaired people that acted as sub-conscious role models to me who demonstrated that being blind doesn’t stop you from living.

I accept that I can’t see. I accept that the simplest of tasks can prove quite the challenge. Being blind causes me stress and anxiety on a daily basis. I can’t wave a magic wand to fix my vision. What I can do is not let my lack of vision control me. I control it. I take on the testing situations and applaud my achievements. Sometimes I fail and consider defeat. Then I take a deep breath and vow to try again.

If you are struggling with your mental health please don’t feel embarrassed or scared to seek support.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Sunday, 17 May 2020

A Day in the Life

Blog 22 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

I’m going to be honest, I don’t know what I want to blog about today. Well I do, the plan was to talk food. I just can’t figure out where to start with it. Writer’s block. Instead of torturing myself, I am going to leave that post for another day.

Since my mind isn’t firing on all cylinders I’m simply going to write about my day. I’m sitting in my garden absorbing the sunshine. This is one of my favourite pastimes and is making me crave a holiday. Without fail I go on at least one beach holiday per year. In fact last May I was in Majorca. I was due to go to Turkey last October, but the collapse of Thomas Cook meant our holiday was cancelled. I’m definitely ready to feel the sand between my toes and to listen to the soothing sounds of the waves lapping the shore. I wish I lived closer to the coast. Grumble, grumble.

I have a very good internal clock and naturally wake up around 6.45 each morning. This is also the time my heating clicks on. I spend the boys, feed the boys and then sit down to BBC Breakfast with a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea. reading that back I sound very middle aged!

For the last few days I haven’t been getting out with Riley until the early evening. So I promised him a morning walk today. We tackled one of our new routes and I think it is the best we have done it. I didn’t have to remove too many slobbery sticks from Riley’s mouth and we didn’t drift off track too much. I have noticed morning walkers, joggers and cyclists are friendlier than the afternoon and evening folk. We received numerous greetings and people actively cleared the way for us to ensure social distancing was being observed. This makes a walk much more pleasant.

A 75 minute walk did nothing to tire Riley out and he was full of beans on our return. He played frantically with Calvin and did some crazy running around the garden. I’m not sure what Riley’s issue is but he rarely steps foot on to the grass in the garden. When I wanted to groom him on the grass the other day you would have thought I was trying to pull him off the edge of a cliff.

Before lunch I had my daily chat with my mum. She likes to tell me about every second of her day and night so our phone calls are often quite lengthy. When she takes a half breath I am able to get in and share the happenings from my end. She reads my blog and I know will laugh at the mentioning of her monologues. We have a very close relationship.

Since lunch I have been listening to The History of Bees by Maja Lunde. I only started it yesterday and need to finish it in time for book club on Wednesday night. We used to meet at a different pub each month to discuss the latest book choice. Now we are meeting via Zoom. There are 7 of us in the group and we take it in turns to choose a book. Last month was my choice and I chose The Friend by Dorothy Koomson. I am known for my harsh reviews. Whilst I don’t always love the book choice I like reading books I never would have picked.

After posting this blog I am going to work out in our home gym before dinner and Netflix. I am really hoping Riverdale has an exciting climax. The show is so bad that it is good.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Accessible Fitness

Blog 21 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

Before the pandemic it was a known fact that visually impaired people regularly experienced social isolation. Therefore I find it somewhat surprising that it has taken the entire nation to be socially isolated to prompt accessible homebased activities. Perhaps it existed to a degree and it wasn’t well advertised or utilised. I hope post pandemic charities and businesses will continue the online work they have started.

Staying fit and healthy is something that I feel strongly about. I think everyone should have the opportunity to feel the adrenaline rush that exercise gives you. Since the lockdown I have come across two fantastic resources that I encourage visually impaired people to take advantage of.

First is the British Blind Sport stay in work out face book group. To date the group has 360 members. This immediately tells me that not enough people know about the group. It is a place to talk about sport and share experiences. There are also a host of accessible work out videos from boxercise to strength and tone. Currently each Wednesday they do a live work out that people can access via Zoom. Just search British Blind Sport stay in work out on Face Book and you should find the group.

The second resource is the Look UK You Tube channel. Check out their keep fit videos from yoga to circuits. They also have some other interesting content to browse once you have worked up a sweat. If you are keen on poetry then you might want to get involved with their poetry challenge. Exercising the mind is important too.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Friday, 15 May 2020

Who Are You?

Blog 20 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

I am female, a girl, a woman. A daughter, a sister, an advocate. A girlfriend, a partner, a lover. A friend, a listening ear, a confidante. A volunteer, a unit helper, an ambassador. An expert by experience, a voice, a colleague. A Guide Dog owner, a mother, a playmate. A reader, a critique, a endorser. A blogger, a diarist, a sharer. An athlete, a sprinter, a chaser. A learner, a graduate, an achiever. A face booker, a tweeter, a stranger. A disabled person, a visually impaired person, a fighter. A dreamer, a doer, a try hard. A pescatarian, a believer, a Muslim. I am Selina, a human, a somebody.

We are all so many things. So many different personas. Something to someone. Don’t ever think you are a nobody.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Working From Home

Blog 19 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

I’m writing this post late in the day, my brain is somewhat fried. However, I have committed to writing these 26 blog posts over 26 days and I am not one who likes to quit easily. I am running on fumes after working yesterday and today. I’m also working tomorrow which is super rare for me to work 3 days in a row. Anyone who manages to work fulltime I commend you. I enjoy working but it always mentally drains me. The work I do is intense, both with Choice Support and Voiceability. Yet I know the work I do as an Expert by Experience is highly important. It literally impacts on vulnerable people’s lives. I have the chance to help make a positive difference.

Since the pandemic lots of people are now working from home. As a visually impaired person I much prefer it. I no longer have to stress about getting to work on time. I don’t have to worry about bus or train delays or panic about traffic jams. I get to work in a familiar environment rather than visiting varying venues that I might get used to but then always be in a different room. I don’t have to depend on people to help me find the toilet or a suitable spending area for my Guide Dog. I have the freedom to move around at break and lunchtimes. I have access to all of my assistive technology. I am more independent, more in control.

There are some negatives around homeworking like dodgy internet connections. I think it makes it harder to build a rapport with colleagues too as you are heavily focused on the job in hand as opposed to having small talk. Although we do chat informally for short periods. Conference calls amuse me as now everyone struggles to read the cues for a good time to talk and people end up interrupting each other. A colleague said yesterday that she is learning to recognise people by voice, I told her ‘welcome to my world’!

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Loosening of Lockdown

Blog 18 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

Today is the first day of looser lockdown rules for people in England. Some people welcome them whilst others claim the move has come too soon. Either way the changes have been made. For me as a Guide Dog owner the new rules are going to make life that little bit easier.

From today people in England are permitted to take exercise outside multiple times per day. This means that I can choose to take Riley on a single long walk, a free run, 2 shorter walks or a walk and a free run. The variation will hopefully keep him more engaged and willing to work. Our partnership is still very young and I am determined to make sure the current circumstances don’t break us.

The limitless exercise also means I will be able to go for walks with retired Guide Dog Calvin and my partner. I have missed walking with Calvin. We free run the boys together but it isn’t practical to walk them together. Going out with Calvin will be a good opportunity for Riley to relearn how to be home alone for short periods. He has gotten very used to always coming out with me and has started to whine excitedly when I put my shoes on.

The one other advantage to the new rules is the ability to drive anywhere. We have been free running the boys as locally as possible. Now we feel comfortable to travel that bit further out and will be visiting some of our favourite free running locations within Leicestershire.

I intend on embracing this new normal as best as I can. I accept life is going to feel peculiar for the
Foreseeable future. The situation is out of our control but we can control how we deal with it.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

The Theatre

Blog 17 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

Back in march I went to see an audio described performance of The Book of Moorman at the Birmingham Hippodrome. Going to the theatre is an activity that I like to do on a regular basis. I prefer to see audio described shows where possible ensuring that I don’t miss out on the action. However, if I really want to see a show and it is local then I will go along anyway and still have a good time. I tend to be drawn more towards musicals although dramas can be entertaining too. I find myself often checking the Vocaleyes website for upcoming audio described performances, keen to fill up my diary. I have seen numerous shows over the years and my favourites on multiple occasions. There are still an array of shows I am desperate to see.

I was looking forward to seeing Phantom of the Opera at the end of March and Six next month. Both shows were being audio described at my local theatre, The Curve. I have tickets for the Wizard of Oz at the end of November. Our social lives have been placed on hold for now. When it is safe, I thoroughly recommend seeing the below-

1. Cats
2. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
3. Blood Brothers
4. War Horse
5. Chicago
6. The Lion King
7. Sister Act
8. The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole – The Musical
9. The Mousetrap
10. Avenue Q

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Monday, 11 May 2020

Fire Stick

Blog 16 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

The weather has changed and lockdown continues. For me this means spending less time in the garden listening to audio books and more time in the house watching TV. This post will talk about the Amazon Fire TV Stick with Alexa remote 2nd generation. We have only had it for around a month so I am still learning all about its features. Forgive me if you know some of what I write is inaccurate. It is just my experience to date. Prior to purchasing the device I was completely clueless about what it could do and its accessibility. Perhaps there are others out there like me and for whom this post will be enlightening.

So what is it?
In a nutshell a Fire Stick allows you to stream programmes on your TV and access services such as Netflix, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime and catch up TV. You can also listen to music, play games and interact with Alexa. You will need a compatible TV and an internet connection.

My sighted partner set it up so I can’t comment on how easy that part is to do when you are visually impaired. However, the Fire Stick comes with a built in screen reader called Voice View. There are options for high contrast and magnification too. Voice View allows you to navigate around the main screen and select the item you want. Unfortunately each app is independent of the screen reader. Therefore, like Voice Over on IOS devices accessibility of apps will vary.

On a positive note I have found the popular streaming services of Netflix and Disney Plus to be highly accessible with Voice View. I don’t have Amazon Prime but would assume that works fine as the Fire Stick is made by Amazon. Both Netflix and Disney Plus have some audio described content which is a bonus. At first the menus appear hard to navigate. With practice it becomes easier. The menus show in grid view and thus you find yourself scrolling left and right along rows to discover the content.

This might be me doing something wrong, apologies if that is the case. Catch up services including BBC iPlayer and Channel 4 OD seem inaccessible. Voice View will work to an extent within the apps and then suddenly cease to speak. I have found it possible to play content from the services from the main Fire Stick screen. I am not entirely sure if audio description can be enabled or not. In the past I have accessed catch up TV from my iPhone where I know the apps are accessible and audio description can be activated.

Until I got a Fire Stick I didn’t really know what all the fuss was about with Alexa. She is somewhat cool. Voice View is useful but Alexa can speed the process up when it comes to finding an app or playing a show. There is a button on the remote that you press to interact with her.

There are lots of games that you can play with Alexa including a variety of quizzes. You can also ask her to play music. I like to tell her to launch the Body Coach. Joe Wicks has become pretty popular of late and his 15 minute work outs on Alexa are great. I do have a good understanding of most circuit style exercises but I think he describes them really well. If fitness isn’t your thing you could ask Alexa to burp or fart instead!

Overall the Amazon Fire TV Stick 2nd generation gets a thumbs up from me. I know there is still a vast amount of content on it that I am yet to discover and look forward to doing so, right after I have finished watching series 4 of Riverdale.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Keeping Fit

Blog 15 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

For anyone who knows me they will know my life revolves around exercise. In normal circumstances I would train with my guide runner on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Due to social distancing combined with the athletics track and gym being closed this is not possible at the moment. Having my weekly structure disrupted has caused me to slack a little with regards to keeping fit. This week I have only worked out twice. When I do train I relish the adrenaline rush. It’s difficult to understand why my discipline has slipped. I have Fitbit scales and weigh myself every morning without fail. Each day my body weight and fat percentage increase. I’m sure I am not the only one.

I might be lacking my usual motivation, but I ensure as a minimum I get out for my daily exercise. An energetic 2 year old makes sure of that one. Before lockdown I only had 3 block routes that I could walk independently with a Guide Dog with the longest being 50 minutes. Riley soon communicated his boredom by starting to eat sticks and pine cones on our walks. This negative behaviour has encouraged me to learn new routes that are up to 90 minutes in length. Riley is happier with the longer walks, but I know he is missing travelling on public transport, going shopping and spending time in places.

Prior to my partner moving in I had an Orangery built in order to house his home gym. At the time I thought it was ridiculous. Now I am kind of grateful. I have access to a squat rack complete with Olympic bar and plates. There is also a bench and dumbbells. This means I can deadlift, clean, squat and press until my heart’s content. Whilst I am not training as intensely as usual I am still managing to increase the load gradually and creep towards the weights I was able to do before my knee injury.

I suspect one cause of my fat and weight gain is a result of the limited cardio I am able to do at present. I keep debating on buying an exercise bike. Riley walks at a swift pace, but it just isn’t quite enough. Once a week I go to a cricket pitch to do athletics drills and fartlek session. I have been used to running on the rugby and hockey pitches at Loughborough University where the surfaces are totally flat. The cricket pitch is kept in good condition yet being real grass has bumps here and there. It isn’t entirely ideal but it is better than nothing. It is nice to have the opportunity to partake in what I love, sprinting.

We are all living in an odd reality. Everyone has had to adapt. Nobody was prepared. All we can do is make the best of a tricky situation. There will be days that pass us by. I guess we are only human. There will be other days that are filled with productivity. Focus can be lost and found again. We just need to live day by day.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Saturday, 9 May 2020

What's in a Photo

Blog 14 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

As mentioned in my previous post we live in a very photographic world. People constantly snap selfies, share funny memes and screen shot text. Unfortunately for people with no useful vision like myself photos can make us feel excluded from society. However, there is a way of making photos accessible on both Face Book and Twitter. Here’s how-

Face Book
After you have posted a photo, click on more. A list of options will appear. Click on edit alt text. Face Book is good in that it automatically generates alt text for images which sometimes gives an indication of what the photo might contain. It is possible to override the automatically generated text and write in your own description. Then when screen readers scroll over the image it will read the description out.

Go to settings and privacy then click on accessibility. Scroll down to compose image descriptions and toggle the feature on. Now when you compose a new tweet and add in an image there will be an option to add a description for this photo. Again when a screen reader scrolls over the photo the description will be read out.

It is quick and easy to insert descriptions to make your photos more inclusive. Descriptions don’t have to be essays. For example, you could write ‘image of me smiling on the beach’ or ‘image shows yellow Labrador basking in the sunshine’. Any description is better than none and is much appreciated by screen reader users.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Friday, 8 May 2020

Seeing AI

Blog 13 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

I am halfway through my blogathon and have raised £62.86 to date. Considering the aim was to raise £26.20 I’m pretty happy. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far.

This post will focus on the app Seeing AI. It is free to download and has some great features designed to enhance the lives of the visually impaired. To access the different channels you swipe up with one finger if you are using it in conjunction with Voice Over on an IOS device.

Short Text
The first channel reads out short text. You hover your camera over what you want it to read out. I have found it useful to check who a letter is addressed to and when my screen reader freezes on my laptop.

For longer pieces of text you can use the document channel. This is handy for reading post. Again you hover the camera and it will let you know if all edges of the page are visible before snapping a photo and converting the text.

The third channel enables you to access barcodes on food products to discover what they are. I sometimes find this channel a little temperamental. You move the camera over the product and it emits audible pips to relay how close you are to a barcode. Once it sounds a long pip it means you have found the barcode and it takes a picture. I most need to use it on tins and perhaps because they are not a flat surface it is more difficult for the barcode to be detected.

This channel is a little novel. It is face recognition. You can save images of people on the app and then take a photo of them in person mode. It will then tell you who they are. I think simply asking would be more effective.

Wave the camera over the money and Seeing AI will inform you of the denomination. Good for sorting notes out in your purse or wallet. Although money is becoming more accessible with the tactile markings these days for British pounds. It can recognise British pounds, Euros, US dollars, Canadian dollars, Indian rupees and Japanese yen.

Scene Preview
The accuracy of this one is somewhat questionable. I am currently writing in the garden and used the app to describe my surroundings. It says there is probably a little girl lying in the grass. The little girl is retired Guide Dog Calvin. Oh well.

Colour Preview
The channel is a colour detector. Again the accuracy isn’t perfect. Nevertheless it helps with identifying the colour of clothes so you can dress how you please.

Handwriting Preview
Like the short text feature, but to access handwriting instead. With a hover of the camera you can read greetings cards or that handwritten note.

The final channel is a light detector. Listen and learn. Point the camera in the direction you wish to know the level of light. Depending on the brightness a different pitch will sound. You could use it when you are feeling too lazy to check if you have left a light on in a room or are not sure if you have opened the curtains.

Browse Photos
This feature is accessed from the main menu rather than the channel screen. It allows you to view your photo library and have Seeing AI describe each image. I find it the feature I use the most. We live in a very photographic world and therefore there are always photos on social media that I long to know what they are. Regularly photos are shots of text that a screen reader can’t access as it is in image form.

One app, so many features and all for free. Technology can be a wonderful thing.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Thursday, 7 May 2020


Blog 12 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

Retirement. We associate the word with growing old and giving up work. Just over 4 months ago Calvin hung up his harness and stopped being a Guide Dog. In March he turned 12 years old. Every time I remind myself of his age I am always surprised. He is a dog that will permanently be young at heart and for whom age is just a number.

Calvin is one of those dogs who never showed signs of not wanting to work anymore. Whilst I admired his dedication, it made the transition to a new dog difficult. As soon as I got the harness out, Calvin would be by my side ready to go. Even when he saw Riley have the harness on instead, Calvin would be trying to walk out of the door with us. Thankfully Calvin has learnt to accept the situation and nudges my pocket for a treat when he sees Riley harnessed up.

Once a Guide Dog retires it doesn’t mean that they magically become an everyday dog. To an extent I feel it is important for them to still have a Guide Dog’s life without the work. It is what they have known their entire lives. For example, Calvin still spends on command. He isn’t allowed on my bed or sofa. He isn’t fed tit bits from my plate.

Life as a Guide Dog is very stimulating. I sometimes wonder how pet dogs cope with going for casual walks and playing in the park day in day out. To keep Calvin mentally stimulated in retirement I was advised by one of the dog welfare people at Guide Dogs to purchase some enrichment products. Calvin is on 3 meals per day to help with digestion in his senior years. Breakfast is given in a fun feeder as is his last meal at night. His second meal is given in a Kong wobbler. The products ensure that each meal takes Calvin at least 15 minutes to finish and encourages him to work for his kibble.

Calvin has had to adjust to having a little brother in the form of Riley. The boys play nicely the majority of the time, but there is the usual sibling rivalry. Calvin has to assert his authority and wins at tug without fail. He regularly pinches toys from Riley resulting in Calvin having two or three in his possession and Riley whining because he has none. Often when I groom the pair, Calvin licks Riley’s ears and Riley rolls on to his back whilst they mouth each other. They can also be seen curled up near each other, touching heads or paws which is adorable.

Health and happiness are all I want for Calvin. His arthritis is being managed with You Move and medication. He is still able to go for at least an hour walk per day. He has to be limited to 2 free runs per week as he doesn’t know how to pace himself. It is the highlight of my day when he runs up the stairs to bed. On occasion he fails, but his determination will prevail and he will try again until he makes it. As for happiness, he is as bright eyed and bushy tailed as the day I met him. He is the friendliest canine you will ever meet.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

10 Things About Riley

Blog 11 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

Today marks 4 months since Riley and I started training together. Our partnership is still in its infancy and I am continuously learning about his character. I have listed below the 10 things I know about the black Labrador cross retriever so far.

1. Probably not his most glamourous feature, but Riley is a serious drool machine. At the sight of food the saliva just slides out. When working Riley is rewarded with treats when he finds something well. This means I have started to take a small towel with me for when we reach our destination so I can clean the pup’s mouth up on our arrival to make him look handsome again.

2. Riley enjoys being underneath the dining table. He darts under there when he has something he shouldn’t, races under there when he doesn’t want to be groomed, dives under there when I get his lead or relaxes under there just because. If I ever can’t find Riley it is a guarantee he can be located underneath the table.

3. Riley walks up the stairs in the house rather than runs. It is the most bizarre quirk of his. I don’t know if it is a learnt habit from Guide Dog training, but he climbs each step slowly and carefully. This often means he can sneak upstairs without you realising and so has been nicknamed the ninja.

4. Riley talks. He is very communicative with his whines. They generally mean I need a busy, I’m bored or I want to play.

5. Riley’s favourite thing to do in the whole wide world is to find crossing boxes. As soon as he is given the command to find the box or clocks one his speed rapidly increases and we literally sprint to the box.

6. Riley loves to launch himself at Calvin. It is great that Riley adores his big brother. However, I do fear that Riley might properly break him one day with his bouncy ways. Without fail when I bring Calvin in from spending in the morning Riley is always poised to pounce. We all remain still and it is usually me who makes the first move that results in Riley catapulting himself at Calvin.

7. Riley has the biggest ears. Big ears on a human are not cool. Big ears on a puppy are the cutest thing ever. Riley’s ears are far too big and long for his head. I imagine they give him a pretty boy look.

8. Riley has super recall. Three blows on the whistle and it doesn’t matter if he is out of sight and sound, Riley will come charging happily, bells jangling on his collar.

9. Riley can give you his paw. I know a lot of dogs can do this. Riley can of course do a lot of other amazing things like guide me around obstacles and find doors etc, but I feel like it was a hidden skill that I discovered by chance. I simply asked him one day ‘paw’ and without hesitation he gave it to me. I wonder what other secret skills he has.

10. Last but not least Riley is a water boy. He can often be found dive bombing into streams and pools. When it comes to being washed clean on the other hand Riley develops a sudden aversion to water.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

AfterShokz and Microsoft Soundscape

Blog 10 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

Owning a Guide Dog is great. They give you freedom. They allow you to travel through the streets at speed avoiding obstacles on the way. They work in straight lines and so will stop at each curb waiting for the next instruction. They can find crossing boxes, doors and steps. However, what you have to remember is that they are not robots. They are dogs with their own minds and personalities. They can get distracted. They can take you on magical mystical tours. They are not satellite navigation systems.

This is why when I work a Guide Dog I always use a GPS device as well. In the past I used to use the Trekker Breeze. When my last one broke last summer my immediate response was to purchase another only to discover that they are no longer made. There is an alternative product with a much higher price tag and features that don’t interest me. So I hunted elsewhere and came across the Microsoft Soundscape app which is free.

I downloaded it to my phone and knew that holding my phone in one hand whilst I walked was not ideal nor was having headphones in blocking my hearing. More research was done and I purchased AfterShokz Trekz Titanium mini wireless bone conducting headphones. The combination of the app and headphones has been a game changer.

First the headphones. They sit comfortably around your ears and rest on your cheek bones. Imagine wearing glasses backwards to understand how they fit. They were easy to set up as they speak to let you know when they are in pairing mode. They also speak to relay the battery level and let you know when they are connected to your device. There is a handy button on the side that allows you to answer phone calls saving the hassle of rummaging through your pockets for your phone. Since the way they sit on your head your ears are free to hear traffic and other sounds around you which is the best bit about them. The battery life is good, so good that I can never remember the last time I charged them. At around £70 they are a little expensive, but worth every penny.

Microsoft Soundscape is simple to use. You just open the app before you leave, lock your phone and you are on your way. It has 3D audio cues. In non-technical terms this means it announces landmarks and the like from the direction they are located. For example, if a shop is on your right it will announce the name of the shop through the right headphone. This enables the user to create a mental map. Some people might find the level of information provided over the top. I personally love it. It lets me know when I am approaching intersections, controlled crossings, bus stops, walking paths, schools, parks, local businesses and even the steps to the footbridge at my local train station. The information enhances my independence as I am able to cue my Guide Dog in to find the curb or the box or the door. It lets me lapse in concentration, relax and enjoy my surroundings.

The app also works well on public transport. I have used it on the bus to make sure I get off at the correct stop. If you do get lost you can open the app and select to hear my location, nearby markers, what’s around me and what’s ahead of me. You can add in audio markers for specific landmarks, but I have never needed to do this. It is possible to use it in conjunction with Google maps or other navigation apps if you require step by step instructions. The one downside to the app is ensuring you have enough battery on your phone before you set off. When using it for prolonged periods it can drain it quite fast. All in all I thoroughly recommend it.

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Monday, 4 May 2020

Share Your Care

Blog 9 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

Since 2016 I have been working as an Expert by Experience for Choice Support helping the CQC (Care Quality Commission) with inspections of health and social care services. An Expert by Experience is someone who has personal experience of using or cares for someone who uses health and social care provisions. The role involves chatting with service users to find out if they are receiving safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led care. The work is diverse and highly rewarding.

On 16 March 2020 the CQC took the decision to suspend all routine inspections in light of the pandemic. Instead they are supporting care providers through this challenging period and only inspecting when there is an urgent need. As an Expert by Experience I feel strongly about people having a good level of care. It is important that service users have their voices heard, now more than ever.

So I would like to invite people to share their care. There is a form on the CQC website where you can give feedback about the care you or a loved one receives from a regulated service. Regulated services include places such as care homes, care agencies, hospitals and GP surgeries. The feedback can be positive or negative. The information gathered will enable the CQC to monitor services.

You can share your care through the CQC website by clicking here

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Sunday, 3 May 2020

More 5 Star Reads

Blog 8 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

Back in 2017 I suggested 15 books that I had rated 5 out of 5 stars on Good Reads. You can check out that list by clicking here

3 years on I think it is time to share some more Recommendations. Here are 10 more books I have rated 5 out of 5 stars on Good Reads.

1. After the End by Clare Mackintosh
2. The Child Bride by Cathy Glass
3. And Then It Happened by Linda Green
4. Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult
5. Smack by Melvin Burgess
6. The Stranger Within by Kathryn Croft
7. The Love Shack by Jane Costello
8. Local Girl Missing by Claire Douglas
9. Her Every Fear by Peter Swanson
10. The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you, stay safe and happy reading x

Saturday, 2 May 2020


Blog 7 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

Crufts. A celebration of dogs. Back in March myself, my partner and new Guide Dog Riley attended Crufts. The plan was to leave Riley behind as I knew it would be like taking a sugar filled child to Disneyland at Christmas. However, Riley ensured his place by accidently injuring big brother Calvin days before by playing a little bit to energetically. This meant the boys needed to be kept apart to ensure Calvin could recover. So my parents were unable to dog-sit both boys.

I learnt that Riley was actually an annual Crufts attendee. He had volunteered on the Guide Dogs stand the year before with his Puppy Walker and I was assured he was well behaved. Unlike Riley it was my first time at Crufts. I didn’t really know what to expect. I had seen bits of it on TV over the years, but it never particularly interested me. It is easy to assume it is all about the dog show. It is so much more.

My motive for going was to do some essential dog shopping. Since the arrival of Riley the boys had successfully destroyed every soft toy available through tug. The toy box was looking very empty. I heard that there would be hundreds of stalls at the event which makes sense when you think about it.

On arrival at the NEC in Birmingham we first visited the Guide Dogs stand that was handily positioned near the entrance. Riley was reunited with his Puppy Walker who was volunteering for Guide Dogs again. Despite spending his first year of life with his Puppy Walker who raised him into a respectable Labrador cross retriever, Riley showed no hint of recognition. I was personally disappointed for her after all of the time and effort she would have put in. Nevertheless I could see how proud she was of Riley in his Guide Dog harness. He had made it. When Riley saw his old playmate Harrison on the other hand the pup couldn’t contain his excitement. It would have been about a year since Riley and Harrison had played last. The long lost friends greeted each other exuberantly causing hearts to melt all around.

I think until you visit Crufts it is impossible to appreciate the size of the event. It is simply enormous. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of stalls not even all dog related. Prepare for achy feet and body as you spend hours exploring. We were quite surprised not to find some weird and wonderful products though. For example like the Mud Daddy we have to clean the dogs after a muddy walk or after Calvin has rolled in something he shouldn’t. I did make some purchases including a deluxe licky mat, licky mat sprinkles, a Chuckit tug toy, a knots Kong bear, a stuffingless Kong monkey and a Mighty kangaroo. The boys have wrecked every last one of the products that all claim to be super durable. I feel like they need to be volunteer testers. Calvin and Riley still enjoy playing with the toys in their sorry looking states which is something.

One great part of Crufts is the Discover Dogs section. Sadly we didn’t discover the section until late afternoon meaning many dogs had already left. It is where you can meet over 200 different breeds of dog. I had the pleasure of stroking a variety of dogs and chatting to their friendly owners. There were dogs of all different shapes and sizes. From long hair to short hair it was fascinating. One of the highlights was stroking a Great Dane and we fell in love with the Norwegian Buhund.

After 7 tiring but thoroughly enjoyable hours it was time to leave. My shoulder was aching somewhat from Riley pulling on the lead. To be fair he behaved remarkably considering being in doggy heaven. We had a novel chippy lunch on a double decker bus and didn’t even get a chance to see any of the dog shows. It was a fun day. We plan to return next year and aim to arrive early, take lots of breaks, spend more time interacting with the dogs, check out some of the shows and no doubt buy more toys for the boys to destroy!

I am taking part in the 2.6 Challenge to help save our UK charities. If you enjoyed my blog post or are feeling generous please consider donating as little as £1 to support my chosen charities: The Norrie Disease Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Look UK, RNIB and Girl Guiding UK. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

Friday, 1 May 2020

Girl Guiding

Blog 6 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

The final charity I have chosen to support is Girl Guiding. The Brownie Guide law states: A Brownie Guide thinks of others before herself and does a good turn every day.

When I was a child I was a Brownie. I was a Pixie and became both Seconder and Sixer of my Six. I didn’t continue to Guides as in Year 6 my vision started to significantly deteriorate. However, I always had fond memories of being a Brownie.

In 2015 I started volunteering for my local Brownie pack. Initially it was to gain experience with children as I once planned on going into teaching. It soon became part of everyday life and Friday night became Brownie night.

Having a disability I was nervous to volunteer for a non-disabled organisation. I needn’t have worried as from day 1 Brown Owl welcomed me with open arms and continuously works to ensure my Brownie experience is inclusive and accessible. She encourages me to lead where I can and ensures I receive the Brownie resources in an accessible format.

The girls are lovely too. They don’t bat an eyelid at my visual impairment. They happily describe the activities they are completing and love to fuss my Guide Dog, first Calvin and now Riley.

Volunteering at Brownies pushes me outside of my comfort zone. At times I chastise myself for not throwing myself into the meetings more. On occasion I recognise that by attending in itself is an achievement and remind myself that I am doing my best.

During lockdown I have been in awe of Brown Owl and Silver Fox who are managing to keep Brownies running. They are using their daily exercise to deliver materials to the girls. We have a closed Face Book group where the parents are uploading photos and videos of the Brownies work. It has been heart-warming to see how the girls are still enthusiastic and motivated to do Brownies from home.

Please consider doing a good turn and donating as little as £1 to help save our UK charities. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you, thank you, thank you and stay safe x