Wednesday 29 April 2020

Look UK

Blog 4 – 2.6 Challenge – 26 blog posts over 26 days…

The third charity I have chosen to support is Look. They are a relatively small sight loss charity supporting children, young people and their families. I have volunteered for them in the past and have some great memories from 2006 when I travelled with them to Berlin for the International Computer Camp.

The reason I have decided to fundraise for them now is because of the fab work they are doing during lockdown. Everyone is feeling more isolated than usual. To combat this people are sharing funny videos, posting various photos and joining in with You Tube work outs. As someone with a visual impairment the inaccessibility of these activities has been felt deeply. I was keen to try something new and connect with people too.

About 6 weeks ago, right at the beginning of lockdown Look advertised a 4 week mindfulness course. It was to be run by Wise Kids and via the conferencing platform Zoom. I can’t say I have ever wished to learn about mindfulness, associating it with hippies and the like. However, the opportunity was there and I thought why not.

It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I looked forward to Tuesday and Thursday nights. It was a time where I could focus on myself. A time to relax, listen and learn. Mindfulness is not just about meditation. It is about absorption, appreciation and acknowledgment. By writing this blog I am practicing mindfulness. It is really worth exploring if you ever get the chance.

The course was so successful that Look are continuing it for a further 4 weeks, starting from tonight and I can’t wait. Look have been hosting a number of Zoom events enabling visually impaired people and their families to connect, socialise and benefit during this tricky time. I hope post lockdown that it is something that they will be able to continue with in the future.

Please consider donating as little as £1 to help save our UK charities. You can find my fundraising page by clicking here

Thank you and stay safe x

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