Wednesday, 22 December 2010


So, when I went to Mauritius in February I had tonsillitis and uni work to complete. Therefore, I was really looking forward to enjoying Egypt, ill and work free. However, I forgot I was having a bad year!

We were flying from Gatwick and to avoid the early start on Monday morning, we stayed in a hotel over night near the airport. We’ve never done this before, but seemed like a good idea. I never sleep well in hotels, but the fire alarm at 4am and the random phone call to the room at 5am made sleeping even more difficult.

Anyway, to the sunshine we flew, plane delayed by about an hour, but no big deal really. We arrived at the hotel in Hurgharda around 9pm exhausted. Yes, Hurgharda, so no I didn’t get eaten by a shark! For a 5 star all inclusive resort the food was disappointing, little choice and nothing seemed to match each other.

Next morning, we went to sun bathe by the pool and by lunchtime I was coughing up my guts! I couldn’t believe it, ill yet again on holiday. My symptoms throughout the week included; coughing, sneezing, fever, the runs, blocked nose and ears and I even threw up to round things off.

It was my mum’s 50th birthday whilst we were away and it turned out that all of us were ill for the entire holiday. Therefore, we literally did nothing, but eat and lie by the pool. Shivering in 30C heat is not a good look let me tell you! Ever since I can remember my parents have played tennis on our holidays. We can’t go to a hotel unless they have a tennis court. Yet this holiday they didn’t pick up a racket once, which has to be an absolute first.

Then when we were due to fly back rumours circulated in the hotel that the airports were closed back home due to snow. We were all dying to get back for days since we were ill and we were potentially going to be stranded. I suppose we were quite lucky we only had a 3 hour delay, but even so!

Overall, a rubbish holiday! The hotel seemed quite nice despite the food, but we were unable to make the most of the facilities! Cursed...I think so...

1 comment:

Jen said...

Waw that sounds like a nightmare! You poor things.