Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Distinction No.2

Some good news! My second module towards my English Language and Literature degree with The Open University was U211 Exploring the English Language. I finished all of the assignments and exam back in October, but only just received my result. This was the first exam I have had to do since having no useful vision and I was beyond nervous. So, when I discovered I managed to scrape a Distinction I was really pleased.

My results:
TMA 01 78%
TMA 02 76%
TMA 03 80%
TMA 04 74%
TMA 05 80%
TMA 06 85%
TMA 07 85%
OCAs 80%
Exam 77%

So as you can see I didn’t reach the 85% Distinction threshold overall, but the OU were very kind to award me a Distinction anyway. I truly worked hard on the course, enjoying it and finding it challenging at the same time. I’m currently doing my third module and need six to complete my degree.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Congratulations! Go you! :)