Friday, 17 September 2010

MRI Results

On Wednesday I finally picked up my MRI results for my ankle. It only took the NHS 6 months to give me a scan. The physio thought I had synovitis, but this did not show up. The only thing that did was some bone bruising. It has been 7 months since I sprained my ankle and to still have bone bruising on a sprain that hardly had any swelling is strange.

The NHS had no useful advice and after I insisted I was still unable to run pain free and generally walk around these days without some sort of ache, he said he would refer me to a sports doctor. Only, he doesn’t know how long this will take, where a sports doctor could be found within the NHS and failed to be able to even use a telephone and Google. The nurse had to help him!

All of this is highly unhelpful and with winter training approaching and no idea of when I can run again, I’m feeling next year slipping away from me already. I’ve decided I can wait no longer and will go private to get a quicker and more informed answer with regards to my injury.

I really hope this all gets resolved soon, as I’m frustrated I’ve achieved literally nothing this year and want to prove my ability next year.


Jen said...

I hope you find out what's wrong with it soon. It must be very frustrating, especially if its delaying your training schedule.
Hope your well apart from that? Hows Calvin?

Selina Litt said...

Thanks me too, I hate not running! Calvin is good thanks, usual cheeky self, but maturing in his own little way. He has 2 soft toys bought about 3 weeks ago which are still in one piece, which is a miracle! On the guiding front I currently have scraped knuckles as he went to scavenge, but love him none the less.

Need to keep up with your blog some more, hope OJ is fully recovered and back working after his op x