Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Feb Injuries

Since my body hates me, I often wonder whether the daily pain, energy and time I put into athletics is worth it. It only takes me a split second to remember why I’m doing it, one dream, one aspiration, one goal.

Ankle – Finally have an appointment for an anti-inflammatory injection on 29th March.
Achilles – Heal still stiff, daily eccentric loading exercises.
Calf – Seems to have calmed down after being massaged out.
Shins – Ouch! Now in both legs, icing, physio, massage, rest, extra daily gluts exercises.

1 comment:

Roshni said...

Awwe Selina! You poor thing; keep it up and hang on in there! we are all routing for you and are just waiting for that day when we can share your happiness and be super proud of one of our own having finally made it! don’t give up! And those injections, I get them now as I have tendonitis in my hands! They are major painful to get, and though you don’t notice any instant gain, trust me, in the long term they are fantastic! Really do the business and are heaps better than pill-popping! You are made of tough stuff and I know you’ll get through it! I’m on a strict diet these days to lose weight for a friend’s wedding and I always think of you when I train!
Sending love, vibes and positive energy!