Friday, 9 October 2009

The Open University

On Saturday I officially changed my occupation from unemployed to student! As on the 3rd October I started my degree with The Open University (OU). After years of insisting I didn't want to go to university or study anymore, well I changed my mind!

In January I initially had the idea to study with the OU, as I thought even if I did get a job I'd be able to still work towards the degree and change my career path since I discovered at The Council administration really isn't my thing. I could have began the course in February, but felt I should do it properly with organising a Disability Students Allowance for all the equipment I need.

When choosing a course it didn't take me long to decide once I had read the list of under graduate degrees to select from. English Language and Literature immediately jumped out at me. I did English Language at A Level, but I have always been stronger in Literature. Creative Writing along with Eng Lang/Lit appealed too, but I'm not so sure I'm that skilful. I may do a short course of Creative Writing with the OU over the summer whilst I have a break from the main degree.

I've been officially registered on the course since April and my DSA was all approved in July. However, I didn't receive my equipment until late September and I'm still waiting on the training for it all. However, I'm already a week ahead of the study planner and feel I'm enjoying challenging my mind again. Referencing looks evil, but hopefully I can get my head around it.

I have my first face-to-face tutorial next Wednesday and there is someone in my village that happens to be in my tutor group and studying the same course who has kindly offered to give me a lift, which is useful. I've learnt the route with my cane, but would prefer not to travel on the trains late at night.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Good luck with the course. Its funny when your in school you think you can't wait to be finished studying, but when you don't have to study you miss it a bit. I do now because I finished a radio/journalism course in June 2008, and haven't studied at all since then. That's the longest since I started school so its a bit strange. Maybe I'll go back and do something else sometime. Who knows.