Wednesday, 28 June 2017

The Undateables

It is well-known that I featured in a documentary called Blind Young Things that aired on Channel 4 about 10 years ago. When I watch the documentary back, something I do on an annual basis, I am always surprised that it is me. I have changed so much as a person, I like to think for the better. Yes I wince at the evidence of my former self, but I’m so glad I participated in the show and can see how I have grown, matured and evolved as an individual.

Channel 4 need to be commended on the vast number of disability related shows that they air on their various channels. From sport to comedy to reality TV, they are all working to enhance the general public’s awareness of disability, which is great.

I have had my fifteen minutes of fame on Channel 4, now it could be your turn to do the same. The ever lovable show The Undateables are looking for single people with a disability for their next series. See below for full details.

Are you looking for love?
Are you interested in taking part in a Channel 4 TV Series?

A Channel 4 TV Series about love and disability.
‘betty’ is making a seventh series of the romantic and insightful The Undateables.
We will be following disabled people and those with a variety of conditions through the highs and lows of finding love.
If you are single and looking for love please get in touch on
0207 290 0223 or email

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