Monday, 16 June 2014

Dare To Dream

Once upon a time there was a girl who dared to dream. She dreamed of becoming a world class athlete and representing her country at major championships. Athletic ability wasn’t a trait that came naturally to her. However, dedication, determination and discipline were characteristics that had always been encrypted within her DNA. These would prove to be the necessary tools to turn a far fetched fantasy into a reality.

On Monday 2 June 2014 at exactly 08:08pm I received the magical phone call. Team England had selected me to compete at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games in the T12 100m. Suddenly, the years of blood, sweat and tears had gained a purpose. I am actually a T11 athlete, but will be competing up a classificationsince there are only a select number of disability events incorporated into the main games. My event will take place on Monday 28 July, which is the second day of the athletics action.

So now begins the next chapter. You can follow the unfolding of events either on here, by liking my page on Face Book or following me on Twitter. To view the full England Athletics Team just click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Long time reader, never commented. Puppy Walker in Yorkshire for GDBA. Love your tales about Calvin. BUT, loved watching your megawatt smile this morning on the TV even more. Tuned in specially. Well done (to both you & your guide) were amazing. You should be sooo proud of your achievements.I am and I don't even know you!