2020 a year like no other. A year we never could have predicted or prepared for. A year that has tested our ability to adapt and conform. A year where we have all had to be resilient.
Many people have lost loved ones and in this respect I find myself grateful that to date my personal friends and family have either remained healthy or recovered well from the virus. When reflecting on the last 12 months it is easy to recall and dwell on the struggles. However, I want to take this opportunity to focus on the good.
In January Calvin put up his paws and started life as a retired Guide Dog. For 5 weeks my life was put on hold whilst I trained with new boy Riley. In February we qualified as a partnership. Prior to the first lockdown on Tuesday 24th March, no doubt a quiz question of the future I managed to partake in some fun activities. Afternoon teas, charity quizzes, Norrie Disease family day, Crufts and a trip to the theatre to see The Book of Mormon.
Then the pause button was pressed on normality. The world became a frightful place. In spite of this new discoveries were made. Zoom. What a magical concept. I started a mindfulness course with Look and could still connect with my Book Club.
In April I relished one of my jobs becoming home based saving me the stress of travelling to Coventry and Warwickshire. I was fortunate that my other job put me on furlough meaning I was financially secure.
Summer came early allowing for countless garden days and I enjoyed running solo at my local cricket pitch. The gym and shops opened in time for my birthday in July. Whilst in August we took advantage of eat out to help out and managed to physically meet up with friends for a BBQ.
The highlight of September was a night away in Old Hunstanton. I was on the beach in shorts in Britain! Calvin and Riley had the best time playing on the beach. Calvin was puppy walked by the sea and he totally forgot his 12 and a half years of age as he sprinted around and jumped on me to thank me for bringing him. Riley learnt the hard way that drinking sea water isn’t a good idea as he spectacularly spewed up at dinner. Thankfully it was a dog friendly hotel. I’m sure he wasn’t the first pup to throw up and I’m sure he won’t be the last. There was something quite special having both of my boys with me at dinner and breakfast in the hotel. I did feel pretty smug as they both behaved impeccably compared to the other canine guests.
Life has become more restrictive again in the final few months of the year. I haven’t been allowed to train at Loughborough’s world class athletics facilities throughout the pandemic. Instead I have been running at a local track that is far from luxurious. Nevertheless, I have been running. Running on a track. Running bends. Running pain free. I feel a tad of emotion just writing that. After getting injured in 2017 and subsequent knee surgery last year I always hoped but never truly knew that it would be possible for me to run again on the track. I genuinely treasure every step.
As the year draws to a close it is evident that 2020 has been very different. Personally it has caused me to reassess my values and what is important in life. We have to take the good from the bad and control what we can. Who knows what 2021 will bring…
Wishing everyone a happy and healthier new year.