Saturday, 8 June 2019

Life Update

Finally I have found the time to sit down and write. I am not a fast writer so I like to have a couple of spare hours free when I decide to blog.

This post isn’t going to be interesting to most, but it is important for me to document the last few months of my life.

Let’s start with my knee surgery on 28 February. My consultant micro fractured the section of my knee that I injured, which has hopefully encouraged scar tissue to act like cartilage in that area. There was also a loose bone fragment that was removed and I expect was one of the reasons I was experiencing a lot of pain pre-surgery. I was on two crutches for four weeks and then down to a single crutch for a further two weeks. Surprisingly, I didn’t need to take any pain killers whatsoever post-surgery. I keep asking myself what is worse, super painful eye surgery where you suffer for a week or painless knee surgery where the recovery takes months. I still haven’t decided!

Guide Dog Calvin ensured I smiled whilst I was on crutches as he insisted on going behind me and pushing me along with his head. It reminded me of a parent elephant helping its young along. I love that he still finds new ways of amusing me. He turned 11 in March and is still working. His workload is very light mind as I have found it a challenge to walk relatively pain free at his pace, which is akin to a brisk walk. This afternoon was probably the first time I felt comfortable throughout our walk. It was only 25 minutes, but I can begin to start looking at increasing the distance.

I can’t say I am enjoying the rehabilitation of my knee. However, it was a relief to start doing pool sessions and getting back into the gym. I am a long way off from attempting to run again, but I should start putting some weights back through my legs in the near future. On a daily basis I am not yet better off than I was pre-surgery. I still have times where the joint aches and catches. I am also yet to get full mobility back, as I am not able to kneel. I know I have to play the long game.

On a positive note, work has been nice and busy. I am on a 0 hour contract so there can be months where I don’t work at all. Lately it has been nearly every week and is providing an ideal distraction from the lack of athletics training.

Another good distraction was my recent holiday to Mallorca with the boyfriend. We only went for 4 nights, the weather was mixed and I was ill with a cold for the majority of it, but it was great to get away and spend quality time with each other. Long distance relationships are tough.

I turn 31 next month. It doesn’t feel nearly as daunting as turning 30 was. I must make plans to celebrate. Hopefully I won’t leave it so long before my next blog post.