Wednesday, 27 July 2016

A Big Thank You

I’m pleased to report that my crowd funding campaign was a success. There was a period where I was convinced that I wouldn’t reach my £500 target then the next thing I knew it had not only been met, but smashed. I now have enough funds for approximately a year’s worth of sports massage/physio, which is going to be a massive help. It relieves me from a financial strain and will definitely have a positive impact upon my performance as an athlete and enable me to train and race at my best.

I’m so incredibly grateful for the generous donations and hope to do everyone proud in the future. A big thank you goes to-

Pam Banks
Matthew Clark
Eugene Creighton-Griffiths
Azam and Barbara Dassut
Emma Gaskin
Julie Grafton-Reed
Cheryl Gupta
Charlotte Fisher
Christine Huber
Thomas Norton
Sally Nutt
David Playfoot
Michael Thornton
John Turner
Julie Watson
Bridgid Weaver
Warren Wilson
People for Research

And a special thanks to VICTA Children and VISTA for promoting my project.